
隆重庆祝集团CEO Sandy Zheng生日,恒泰集团举办生日派对!

多伦多时间2024年5月17日晚,恒泰集团在龙头企业雅琼海鲜酒家宴会厅举办盛大生日庆祝活动,隆重庆祝恒泰集团CEO Sandy的生日。此次活动不仅展现了公司的温馨的企业文化,也体现了员工间的紧密合作和团队精神。

恒泰集团员工和恒泰集团 CEO Sandy Zheng和 Ling姐合影


在生日派对现场,恒泰集团 CEO Sandy Zheng 与大家共同举杯祝贺


感谢各界合作伙伴和亲友们赠与恒泰集团 CEO Sandy Zheng 女士精美礼物


恒泰集团 CEO Sandy Zheng女士与五月寿星们一同切蛋糕


恒泰集团 CEO Sandy Zheng女士与合作伙伴门合影



加康心理治疗中心荣获2024年消费者选择奖Consumer Choice Award

2024年5月8日,消费者选择奖(Consumer Choice Award,简称CCA)在Paramount Event Space成功举办2024年大多伦多地区网络交流与奖牌颁发活动(GTA Wide Networking & Plaque Event)。在这一盛大的颁奖晚会上,恒泰集团旗下企业Prime+ Care Health CentrePerfect Choice Psychological Services荣获2024年大多伦多地区咨询服务行业的消费者选择奖!恒泰集团CEO Sandy Zheng女士亲自出席晚宴并领奖,这是疫情后CCA首次举办的线下颁奖活动。

恒泰集团 CEO Sandy Zheng在 CCA 颁奖晚会的活动现场


加康心理治疗中心荣获消费者选择奖(Consumer Choice Award,简称CCA)奖項

作为获奖企业——加康心理治疗中心Perfect Choice Psychological Services自成立以来现已有超过20年的经验,是大多伦多地区领先的专业心理咨询和治疗机构。我们的团队由执照心理治疗师、社会工作者及经验丰富的专业人士组成,专注于为受机动车事故(MVA)、安省公司医疗健康计划(EHP)和人身伤害影响的客户提供灾后/术后心理康复。

恒泰集团CEO Sandy Zheng在活动现场同CCA工作人员合影

想要了解更多关于此次加康心理治疗中心荣获Consumer Choice Award的详细信息,请访问此链接。想要了解更多加康心理治疗中心的服务,请访问加康心理主页




CBC Toronto特别报道 | 雅琼海鲜酒家 x UNIQLO士嘉堡店——独特的美食与时尚合作

CBC Toronto的节目《Our Toronto》播出了一期特别报道,聚焦士嘉堡三家深受喜爱的餐厅与UNIQLO士嘉堡店的惊喜合作。报道中,恒泰集团龙头企业雅琼海鲜酒家(Perfect Chinese Restaurant)及集团CEO Sandy Zheng女士接受了采访。

本次雅琼海鲜酒家与UNIQLO合作推出的限量版UT T恤和帆布包,由多伦多手绘水彩画家Tanya Mu设计创作。想了解更多详情,请点击🔗链接观看完整视频。


【众和债务服务中心】科普:企业债务处理及CEBA快速解析 | 加拿大中文电台AM1430《胡懿恩·家一》直播采访回放

众和债务服务中心的安省注册会计师Joy Lee于5月1日上午11:00做客加拿大中文电台AM1430,参加由胡懿恩Amy主持的《胡懿恩·家一》节目。


Toronto Star 報道龙头企业雅琼海鲜酒家 X UNIQLO STC 合作

On April 28, 2024, the renowned Toronto publication, the Toronto Star, released an article titled "Beloved Designs – Honoring Three Scarborough Restaurants and Exploring Their Unique Charm." The report highlights a friendly collaboration between three cherished Scarborough restaurants and Japanese clothing retailer UNIQLO, coinciding with the opening of UNIQLO's Scarborough store. This partnership resulted in a special limited edition line of T-shirts and canvas bags showcasing Scarborough's diverse culinary culture. Among these popular local restaurants is Hengtai Group's leading enterprise, Perfect Chinese Restaurant.Perfect Chinese Restaurant Perfect Fusion Asia Food

Since its inception in 1984, Perfect Chinese Restaurant has been a cornerstone of Scarborough's dining culture, known for its round-the-clock service and diverse offerings of Chinese and Southeast Asian cuisines, such as Cantonese dim sum, year-round special-priced lobsters, and classic Peking duck. From the 1980s and 1990s, Perfect Chinese has been a popular gathering place in the Scarborough community, continually dedicated to delivering authentic traditional Chinese flavors.

Collaborative series product design featuring unique patterns (Hand-drawn by designer: Instagram:

In the Toronto Star's report, several designers involved in the project shared their views and experiences:

Bianca Alongi emphasized the importance of these dining venues in strengthening community ties and preserving cherished memories, contributing her designs for this collaboration.

Toronto food illustrator Tanya Mu discussed the diversity of the Toronto food scene, attributing its popularity to the authentic recipes brought from around the world.

Marry Cen, manager of Perfect Chinese Restaurant, told the Toronto Star: "Perfect Chinese is more than just a restaurant; it’s a cultural hub for the community. By hosting weddings, anniversaries, and providing entertainment such as karaoke and mahjong for seniors, Perfect Chinese has become an indispensable part of the community. Although food is not the main profit source, the restaurant continues to offer affordable prices, ensuring that all community members can share in its unique cultural and culinary experience."

Perfect Chinese Restaurant cuisine (Image source: Toronto Star website)

想要了解更多关于《Toronto Star》星报报道的详细信息,或想了解更多雅琼与优衣库的合作产品,请访问此链接或优衣库STC士嘉堡线下门店。

《Toronto Star》星报报道(图源:《Toronto Star》网站)